Arizona Society For Professional Hypnosis



Next Meeting

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

7:00 p.m. SHARP


Topic: Care and Feeding of a Hypnotherapy Practice

Presenter: Greg Nielson




HomeTown Buffet


(On the West Side of Scottsdale Road, just south of McDowell)

Please no dining during the meeting.


 Click here for driving directions

We’ll save you a seat!!


Text Box: In this issue (control & click to follow link)	Officers’ Contacts
Members’ Announcements

This month’s presentation
ASPH Website Info

Meeting Calendar
Secretary’s Notes
Hypnosis Articles

Minutes from last month
Membership Application
Care and Feeding of a Hypnotherapy Practice

Presenter: Greg Nielson


30 years of marketing experience proceeded my entering the field of hypnotherapy as a "second career".

Translating that background into the field of hypnotherapy has been both challenging and rewarding.

I will provide all who attend with a broad exposure to the entrepreneurial side of this fascinating occupation. 


**   You will learn the nuts and bolts of starting your own practice.

**   You will receive hundreds of ways to promote your practice

**   You will be shown dozens of tactics to get free publicity.

**   You will be guided through the multitude of specialty options available

**   You will have explained many of the professional tools to help you grow.

**   You will receive tips, secrets, and techniques to expand your business

**   You will walk away with a different outlook on this field's amazing opportunities 


It is an amazing time to be a part of our profession. The public needs us more today than ever before. Just

one of these concepts, or ideas, that you incorporate, may allow you to help hundreds of fellow travelers

along life's path. It just doesn't get any better. Bring your notebooks, and let's get growing.  




Tuesday Meetings: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Free for Members)*

Certificates &C. E. U. Credit Hours Awarded for Attendance**

(2 credits per meeting attended)




April –  Women Dealing With Physical and Emotional Trauma And How They Can Recover

             Presenter : Debbie Peacock


May – Topic to be determined (but we know it will be fantastic)

Presenter: Dick Sutphen


We are still gathering presenters for our 2009 calendar. If you have a topic you would like to present to the group, please email Debbie at with the topic and what month you would like to present. Let us hear about your special techniques or skills.

Meeting Minutes

February 2, 2009


President, Robert J. O’Connor called the meeting to order at 7 PM. He reported that member responses to the survey questionnaire two months ago, addressed two concerns: physical location of the meetings and choice of presentation topics. He said that many people expressed a desire to have more metaphysical topics, but in reviewing the list of presentation topics over the past two years, he pointed out that most of them were, in fact, metaphysically oriented. In addressing the location issue, Robert said he is open to any suggestions for another location that would be more centrally suitable that would also meet our budget requirements.


Robert also announced that he’s working on establishing a relationship with Cancer Treatment Centers of America in order to provide practicing ASPH members another venue for offering their services.


After ASPH members introduced themselves, Robert led the guided meditation preceding his presentation on Hypnotherapy and Relationship Issues.


Stated Robert: “Relationships—not only those with significant others—

but all of our relationships are often strained if not doomed because of past relationship wounds and misunderstandings, called in today’s vernacular ‘baggage.’ Many of the past issues that are quite often the most challenging can be greatly relieved if not rectified altogether by the wise and appropriate use of Hypnotherapy.”


Most people come to a Hypnotherapist for two reasons. Robert calls them the “Two Ugly Aunts”: Romance and Finance. Almost every one of these “ance” challenges is linked to a relationship issue, since our lives are rooted in relationships with parents, children, friends, significant others, etc.


One of the ASPH members offered to be a subject for Robert’s demonstration of how he uses Hypnotherapy to release emotional baggage linked to relationship issues. The member’s issue pertained to an intimate relationship that had not yet been healed, even though the experience of separation occurred many years ago. Since that time, because he was still bearing the burden of this painful separation that included rejection as well as the death of his loved one, the subject had never been able to have another satisfactory intimate relationship.


Members participated in asking the subject relevant questions and then Robert expertly guided the subject through the three-fold process of healing: acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude. The demonstration proved to be highly successful. Afterward the subject expressed his personal gratitude for finally understanding why he had been holding onto the pain (what was the payoff) and realizing that it was no longer necessary to do so. The subject’s relief and joy were evident.


Following the presentation, members announced their upcoming events. The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Carol Adler, ASPH Statutory Agent, substituting for Debbie Gent, ASPH Secretary




President: Robert O’Connor --

Vice-President: Greg Nielson –

Secretary: Debbie Gent –

Treasurer: Tracy Crouch -

Statutory Agent and Parliamentarian: Carol Adler –

The ASPH Website is our website. If you are a professional practicing hypnotherapist, we welcome your contact information. Kindly email Secretary, Debbie Gent, and we will add your information to our list. Thank you!


Charges for our webmaster updating your information on the ASPH website are $5.00 ~

Please make your check payable to ASPH and bring to the meeting or mail to:

Tracy Crouch · 2805 W. Plum Hollow Dr · Phoenix, AZ 85086


" Notes from the Secretary – Debbie Gent: "


I look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings. If you have any questions about ASPH, please don’t hesitate to contact me at


Also, if you need copies of the ASPH By-Laws, Constitution and Code of Ethics or would like information on the Hypnosis Arizona State Regulations, kindly contact me by email and I will send them as MS Word attachments.


Just a reminder … The cut-off date to add event information to the monthly newsletter is the 14th of the month following the last meeting, or at the mid-point of the month before the next meeting. Please submit your event information on or before then via email to me at


Come on in and pull up a chair!!

Visitors and guests are welcome to attend two meetings free of charge, after which they are invited to join ASPH or have the option of paying a five dollar fee for each month attended thereafter. Spouses and partners of members are considered part of the ASPH and have free meeting privileges.

 ** C.E.U Credits for National Guild of Hypnotist are submitted for Members only.


If you wish to become a member, please contact:

Treasurer – Tracy Crouch –

2805 West Plum Hollow Drive, Anthem, AZ 85086   Tel: 602-348-0477

to receive the Application Form and Fee Sheet.


Please see our website at  or contact Secretary, Debbie Gent,, for copies of the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics.


Happy Birthday to You



If your birthday falls in March, we send birthday wishes your way.
Please let us know who’s celebrating so we can join the party!!


Although many of you may have sent us your birthday dates in the past, we are now creating a new list. Be sure to add your birth date to the roster when you sign in or send us that information (your name and birthday month and day), so we can celebrate with you!!  J


Member Announcements

Member Newsletter Announcements should be approximately 1/4 page and ready to cut and paste into the newsletter. All newsletter announcements must be directly connected to enhancing hypnosis techniques and therapies or serve as a support to the business and profession of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.


$$$ Dues Reminder – ASPH Dues for 2009 are due.

See invoice at the end of your newsletter.  $$$


Member Benefits:


Great Education and CEU’s each month

Monthly Networking Opportunities

Annual Holiday Party

And …

Priceless Friendships and Camaraderie


If you’re not already a member, join us for 2009. You’ll be happy you did!


Monthly Networking Meeting


If you would like to discuss building your practice, or any other hypnosis related topics over dinner, please
plan on arriving at the Home Town Buffet about 6:00pm. Join us in the NW corner of the dining room for a
relaxed, casual, and stimulating dinner conversation of subjects important to us all.


Read any good articles about hypnosis in a magazine or on the web lately?
Think it’s one that others in our organization would find interesting?

Email a copy or link to the article to our secretary at to be included in our next newsletter.


Pattie Freeman will be doing hypnosis at the Spiritual Fair
Saturday, February 28th, 2009
 11 AM - 4 PM
 Free Admission

 Vendors, Entertainment, Spiritual Advisors, Jewelry,Books, Sacred Objects, Crystals, Angel Statuary,
Feng Shui, Healers, Lightworkers, Artists, Organizations, Fun and Merriment Galore!


7000 E. Shea Blvd. Ste. 1710, Scottsdale, AZ 85254


We are supporting the:
Soul Sanctuary In The Desert For At Risk Women & Children  Any Donations Are Greatly Appreciated

 The Ultimate Abundance Training Seminar

With Don Rice

Sunday, February 22, 2009

9am – 5pm


You never say if I had less money my life would be better.   


You often say if I had more money my life would be much better.


I don’t mean becoming a millionaire, but I bet an extra $2,000.00 a month would improve  your life, wouldn’t it?  I know several people who have a master’s degree or a PhD but are not at all successful in their work or social life. I know others who haven’t graduated from high school, speak broken English, and they are very successful.  Learn how this can happened for you.  Have you thought about making a big change in your life and you are afraid to do so?  Afraid to take the first step? Allow me to gently guide you to success.  


Experience Silva Mind Control Techniques, NLP Techniques, Experience K.I.S.S. Advanced Hypnosis Techniques.


Open to the public -- Anyone who needs to be more successful in life must attend this powerful seminar.


For more information or to register call 480-893-9685. Register with full payment by Feb.20 th  2009 the low, low price you will enjoy is only $129 PLUS you will receive a free Motivational CD valued at $35.00. After Feb. 20th the price is only $159 and there is not a free CD.


Law of Attraction for Prosperity!!!
with Pattie Freeman

Saturday, March 14, 2009 10-3pm

Do you visualize yourself being financially free and independent? Do you see yourself being prosperous and abundant... successful and healthy? Can you feel yourself accomplishing your goals? Do you have a vision of success for your business?
A vision of yourself accomplishing the goals you set? One of the most important aspects of manifesting your dreams is actually living and feeling that dream. It's not expensive to do this...All you have to do is take action toward the dreams you want.
This seminar can help you reach your goals and show you how you can achieve what you desire easily....and gain abundance in Prosperity..
Pattie Freeman is a Hypnotherapist and Life Coach and has been instructed in the Law of Attraction "The Secret" by Bob Proctor. Pattie also writes
articles about abundance/prosperity for various publications.

Cost of seminar is $197.00 1 day limited for more info. 602-400-0653 or to reserve a space email/call me at


The First eGlobal Hypnosis Summit… ever!


March 13, 14 & 15 ….

No travel, no hotels, just the comfort of your own sofa!

Finally… a conference that accommodates your schedule AND your budget!

The Summit includes 99 one-hour presentations delivered by practitioners, teachers and trainers recognized and respected throughout the world.


University professors, doctors, respected authors, speakers, and clinicians with an intimate knowledge of hypnosis will share their insights and experiences with the general public and also mingle with fellow attendees. The Global Hypnosis eSummit is designed to have video lectures as well as live audio, video, and text chat to maximize communication, sharing and learning. Speakers, signed up from 6 continents, include notables such as Drs. Bernie Seigel, Judith Simon Prager, Al Krasner, and Gil Boyne.

ASPH Member Carol Adler, MFA, CHt, will deliver a one-hour video presentation at the eSummit on “How to Get Your Articles and Books Published.”


Carol is President/CEO of Dandelion Enterprises, Inc. and Dandelion Books, LLC, She has ghostwritten over 40 non-fiction and fiction works for a number of professionals in the education, health care and human potential industries. Carol’s business experience includes co-ownership of a Palm Beach, FL public relations company and executive management positions in two U.S. rejuvenation and mind/body wellness corporations for which she founded publishing divisions.


To register and learn more about the Global Hypnosis Summit, go to


Room for rent on Part-time basis.  Newly remodeled office in South Scottsdale with easy access to freeways. Available all day Sunday and Monday & Tuesday until 5pm. Fully furnished, including utilities. Share space with Massage Therapist/Hypnotherapist.  $200 including utilities. Please contact Nina @ 602-505-7673 or


Office space for rent Lindsay Brady has office space available to share with Cliff Lord for $150 a month.  The office is near Rural Road and US 60. Cliff uses the office sparingly and is flexible as to usage time.  The space is in a quiet medical-professional building and would be ideal for a hypnotherapist, massage therapist, counselor, etc.  If you know of anyone needing office space in a convenient location at an unbeatable rate, give him a call at 480-966-8571. 


Office to Share - $200.00 mo in Mesa (NE corner University & Macdonald). Contact Cheryle Timbrook at    480-201-7723 or                                                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Credit Card Processing Solutions for Your Business

This company is a preferred vendor of The National Guild of Hypnotists and their members.


Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, ATM, debit cards, Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT cards), electronic gift and loyalty cards as well as a variety of private label and smart card technologies. Whether you're a retail store, restaurant, supermarket, gas station or lodging merchant, we have the transaction processing solution that's right for you. We also offer solutions for mail order and telephone order, e-Commerce, Internet and home-based businesses.

Contact Linda Monico

New England Payment Systems


603.475.9345 Cell

1.866.236.5424 Fax




The following members are available to easily network among yourselves.  If you would like to have your name, phone number and email address included in this list of ASPH members, please email me ( ) your name, phone number and email address.

Carol Adler 480-897-4452

Sherry Bertram  602-920-3281

Rebekah Costello 602 316-8561

Debbie Gent 602-896-0146

Phil Hamilton 602-330-6886

Alan Handelsman 602-478-8346

Robert (Bob) LaBine,, 480-948-8673

Susan Poznanski 602-843-8835

Martha Reed 623 249-5888

Tina Sacchi,,  623-261-6167

Cheryle Timbrook,, 480-201-7723


Some Links to Professional Association Websites


National Guild of Hypnotists

The International Hypnosis Research Institute

International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
International Association of Counselors & Therapists

International Hypnosis Federation

International Association for Regression Research & Therapies Inc.

American Hypnosis Association - AHA

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute

Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis (AAEH)



Social & Professional Networking on the Internet:




Hypnosis Articles of Interest

Anyone who finds an interesting article about hypnosis, please submit them (or a link) to our secretary at for publishing in the newsletter. 



School Board Stops Team's Use of Hypnosis
Posted: Feb 4, 2009 08:14 PM MST Updated: Feb 5, 2009 05:07 AM MST

by Denise Hnytka (ST. JOHN, Kan)

When you hear the word hypnosis -- what comes to mind?

A man with a watch trying to put you to sleep? Something out of a comedy routine?

Those who use it say it's none of those things, and they want people in the Kansas town of St. John to know. Hypnosis became the talk of the town when the basketball coach offered it to his athletes to help them play better hoops. But the school board there voted against it.

"When people hear the word hypnosis, all these things go through their head," said Darrell Bauer. "They think about a basketball team running around in a daze, and that's not what it's about."

Hypnosis doesn't scare Bauer. His son Jordan is a varsity basketball player at St. John High School. Bauer allowed Jordan to participate in a new coaching technique.

"I don't know how it works, but Jordan says he can feel a difference," said Bauer. "He says he loves it."

Coach Clint Kinnamon thought hypnotherapy would boost his team's confidence. A local licensed therapist offered to help free of charge.

"Had I known this would have turned into what it did, I would have re-thought doing it," said Coach Kinnamon. 

Kinnamon say the players attended 3 sessions focusing on relaxation and visualization, picturing themselves in a game.

"There's the perfect release of the basketball as it leaves your fingertips. It's the perfect shot. It's a shot you've made a million times in your driveway. You hear it swish," explains Kinnamon. 

But less than a week after the first session, the St. John School Board voted to stop the use of hypnosis.

"The district believes that's not the kind of practice we want to encourage or endorse," said Superintendent James Kenworthy. "Not that there is anything harmful about the practice, it's just not something we want done with our kids."

Some people around town agree.

"It don't sound like something you need to do to play sports," said Mark Thompkins.

But Bauer says hypnotherapy not only helped his son with sports, but in the classroom too.

"He said he can feel himself more focused and absorbing and containing more and remembering more."

That's the result Coach was hoping for, but in the end he believes the stereotype got the best of the idea.

"Obviously it might have been too cutting edge for St. John, Kansas," said Kinnamon.

The superintendent says Coach Kinnamon followed all proper procedures when he started offering hypnosis. All players' parents had to sign a permission slip for their kids to participate. Only one chose not to participate.

Helpful Links:


*******Annual Dues - $35.00******
Snail mail members -- $50.00


Below is an invoice for 2009ASPH Membership Dues. If you haven’t paid your dues yet, now is a good time to pop your check in the mail.


If you are a new member, please contact Treasurer Tracy Couch at 


New Member One-Time Fees

Initiation Fee-$25.00

Certification Fee (if you are a certified CHT) -25.00


Please remit to:


Treasurer: Tracy Crouch

                     2805 W. Plum Hollow Dr

                     Phoenix, AZ 85086

                     Phone:  602-348-0477






Name _______________________________________________










Birthday (month & day) ____________________


Membership Classification (Circle One) [Certified Professional, Associate Member, Mailing List] Do you wish to have a certificate?


Please make out a check or money order to ASPH and mail to the Treasurer (address above)